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Lake Manyara National Park


A Symphony of Wildlife in Every Step

Step into the captivating realm of Lake Manyara National Park, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Tanzania’s wilderness. If you’re yearning for an African adventure filled with diverse wildlife, pristine landscapes, and the serene beauty of a tranquil lake, Lake Manyara National Park is your invitation to an unforgettable journey. Join us as we embark on an exploration of the wonders that await within this unique and picturesque park.

Zebras and flamingos at lake manyara national park

Lake Manyara National Park: An Overview

Lake Manyara National Park, situated in northern Tanzania, is a testament to the diversity of East Africa’s natural beauty. Spanning over 320 square kilometers, the park boasts a stunning blend of lush woodlands, a shimmering soda lake, and a rich variety of wildlife. It’s a destination that promises awe-inspiring experiences for travelers of all kinds.

Abundant Wildlife Encounters:

Lake Manyara National Park is celebrated for its incredible biodiversity. As you venture into the park, you’ll encounter a dazzling array of animals, from graceful giraffes and tree-climbing lions to elegant flamingos wading in the lake’s shallows. The park’s compact size ensures that every game drive is an opportunity to witness wildlife up close.

Graceful flamingos at lake manyara national park

Birdwatcher’s Paradise

For bird enthusiasts, Lake Manyara is a paradise. The lake itself is home to a kaleidoscope of birdlife, including thousands of flamingos that create a mesmerizing pink panorama. Over 400 bird species have been recorded here, making it a birdwatcher’s haven.

Varied Landscapes:

Lake Manyara National Park is a landscape of contrasts. The rift valley escarpment provides breathtaking panoramic views, while the groundwater forests shelter a range of unique plant and animal species. The park’s diverse ecosystems make it a hotspot for nature lovers and photographers alike.

Majestic giraffes in lake manyara national park

Activities for Every Explorer:

Whether you’re seeking thrilling game drives, tranquil boat safaris on the lake, or guided walks in the forest, Lake Manyara National Park offers activities to suit every adventurer’s taste. The park’s naturalists and guides are passionate about sharing their knowledge and ensuring your visit is unforgettable.

Accommodations in Harmony with Nature:

Choose from a selection of accommodations that allow you to immerse yourself in the park’s natural beauty. From lodges with panoramic views to intimate tented camps nestled in the forest, you can rest in comfort while surrounded by the sights and sounds of the African wilderness.

Graceful flamingos in lake manyara national park

Conservation and Sustainability:

Lake Manyara National Park is dedicated to preserving its pristine environment. By visiting, you contribute to the park’s conservation efforts, ensuring the protection of its unique ecosystems and the wildlife that depends on them.

Plan Your Lake Manyara Adventure:

Whether you’re an avid wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or a traveler seeking tranquility by the lake, Lake Manyara National Park offers an enchanting African experience. Start planning your adventure today and prepare to be captivated by the untouched beauty of this remarkable destination.

Zebras grazing at lake manyara national park flying camp


Lake Manyara National Park is a hidden gem awaiting your exploration. Its rich wildlife, stunning landscapes, and serene lake make it a destination that will leave an indelible mark on your heart. Book your Lake Manyara adventure and let the beauty and tranquility of this African treasure become a cherished memory that lasts a lifetime.

Extended Safari
Excursions from Serengeti

Your Journey to the Wild Begins Here.

Explore the Serengeti National Park like never before with our curated selection of related safaris. Witness the awe-inspiring Great Migration, track the Big Five, and immerse yourself in the untamed beauty of this iconic African wilderness. Our safaris offer a chance to experience the Serengeti’s diverse ecosystems, abundant wildlife, and breathtaking landscapes, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

7 Days Safari in Tarangire,
Ngorongoro, Serengeti and Lake Natron


6 Days Safari in Tarangire, Lake-
Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti


5 Days Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro
and Serengeti National Parks


5 Days Tarangire, Ngorongoro
and Serengeti National Parks


4 Days Serengeti and
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9 Days Tanzania Safari,
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